不褪色: chalking resistantfast coloursfast to lightfastnessnon-fadingsunfast
褪色计: color fadeometercolor fadeometrecolour fadeometrefaderometerfadometerfugitometer
Example Sentences:
Graphic technology . printing and printing inks . determination of the likelihood of colour migration from print to water 印刷术.印刷和印刷油墨.印刷品遇水褪色性测定
Graphic technology . printing and printing inks . determination of the likelihood of colour migration from a print into a sugar solution 印刷术.印刷和印刷油墨.印刷品糖溶液褪色性测定
Graphic technology . printing and printing inks . determination of the likelihood of colour migration from a print into a saline solution 印刷术.印刷和印刷油墨.印刷品盐溶液褪色性测定
Graphic technology . printing and printing inks . determination of the likelihood of colour migration from a print into a solution of lactic acid 印刷术.印刷和印刷油墨.印刷品乳酸溶液褪色性测定