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English translation for "行踪不定"

be of uncertain whereabouts

Related Translations:
行踪:  whereabouts; track 短语和例子不透露自己的行踪 conceal one's whereabouts; 行踪不定 here today and gone tomorrow; be of uncertain whereabouts
行踪时钟:  whereabout clock
隐匿行踪:  cover up one's track; make oneself invisible
行踪诡秘:  be secret in one's movement and trace; mysterious movement
行踪分析:  trace analysis
行踪不明:  one's whereabout(s) is [are] unknown
行踪飘忽:  be slippery as an eel; no definite date [time] of coming and going
掩盖行踪:  cover uone's trackscover up one's tracks
行踪无迹:  pass without trace
Example Sentences:
1.He might be always flying about from one place to another .
2.She could not imagine what business he could have in town so soon after his arrival in hertfordshire ; and she began to fear that he might be always flying about from one place to another , and never settled at netherfield as he ought to be
3.Added to which was the coincidence of meeting , discussion , dance , row , old salt , of the here today and gone tomorrow type , night loafers , the whole galaxy of events , all went to make up a miniature cameo of the world we live in , especially as the lives of the submerged tenth , viz . ,
再加上他们萍水相逢,一道谈论,跳舞,争吵,同这些行踪不定的老水手,夜间的流浪者们,令人眼花缭乱的一连串事件都凑在一起,构成了我们所生活的这个世界的雏形浮雕。尤其是近来对“十分之一的底层阶级” 184 ,也就是煤矿工人潜水员清道夫等等的生活,正做着精密的调查。
4." the person called the count of monte cristo is an intimate acquaintance of lord wilmore , a rich foreigner , who is sometimes seen in paris and who is there at this moment ; he is also known to the abb busoni , a sicilian priest , of high repute in the east , where he has done much good .
第二天晚上,维尔福先生收到下面这张条子: “基督山伯爵有两个好朋友,一个是威玛勋爵,是一个有钱的外国人,行踪不定,目前在巴黎另一个是布沙尼神甫,是一个在东方广行善事颇得该地人士称誉的意大利教士。 ”
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