| 1. | Difference between undisclosed principal and brokerage 间接代理与行纪的区别 |
| 2. | Research on the system of direct intervention right and commissioner ' s duty of guarantee performance in commission contract 行纪合同直接介入权制度与行纪人担保履行责任研究 |
| 3. | The author points out that the recall right of the bargainer is a type of right over things , not right of obligation 对行纪人取回权,提出了行使行纪人取回权的具体方法。 |
| 4. | Secondly , the article debates the theory of the recall right of the bargainer , including its definition and originality 介绍了行纪人取回权的定义和产生原因,分析了其权利基础。 |
| 5. | Once the trustee - trader purchased the trust item in accordance with the contract , the trustor shall timely take delivery 第四百二十条行纪人按照约定买入委托物,委托人应当及时受领。 |
| 6. | Where the trustor gives special pricing instruction , the trustee - trader may not make any sale or purchase in contravention thereof 委托人对价格有特别指示的,行纪人不得违背该指示卖出或者买入。 |
| 7. | Where the trustee - trader is in a situation described in the previous paragraph , it may still require payment of remuneration from the trustor 行纪人有前款规定情形的,仍然可以要求委托人支付报酬。 |
| 8. | If such sale was effected without consent by the trustor , and the trustee - trader made up the deficiency on its own , it is binding on the trustor 未经委托人同意,行纪人补偿其差额的,该买卖对委托人发生效力。 |
| 9. | Where the trustee - trader has completed the entrusted matter or has partially completed the entrusted matter , the trustor shall pay the appropriate remuneration thereto 第四百二十二条行纪人完成或者部分完成委托事务的,委托人应当向其支付相应的报酬。 |
| 10. | A trading - trust contract is a contract whereby the trustee - trader conducts trading activities in its own name for the trustor , and the trustor pays the remuneration 第四百一十五条行纪人处理委托事务支出的费用,由行纪人负担,但当事人另有约定的除外。 |