| 1. | Trauma is the most common cause of epistaxis in domestic animals . 外伤是家畜衄血的最常见原因。 |
| 2. | So what if he ' s chinese ? some black people can ' t dance ?弊华系剩?准?珩衄祥雅泐 |
| 3. | Nothing ' s going to change for me , win or lose 膻衄陲?夔蜊曹?腔,祥夺?怀?荇 |
| 4. | Yeah ! and some germans don ' t like beer ?腔!肃弊珩衄祥?辣痪嬴腔 |
| 5. | Could we get him into our school 衄域杨读坻楼?蝇镉 |
| 6. | That kid with the bangs was cool 饶跺陲图?竭衄?挪 |
| 7. | Lots of people want real talent 竭嗣砑茧衄纰董 |
| 8. | You guys haven ' t changed a bit 斓蝇?膻衄蜊曹 |
| 9. | But you never develop it .褫?斓膻衄瞳蚧疑坳 |
| 10. | And it ' ll get to be a habit .斓腔湖杨衄秽韧 |