English translation for "血管性血友病"
- angiohemophilia
vascular hemophilia von willebrand disease vwd
Related Translations:
血友病: bleeder disease; hemophilia; haemophilia 假血友病: hemogeniapseudohemophilia 单发血友病: sporadic hemophilia 新生儿血友病: hemophilia neonatorumneonatal hemophilia 血友病丙: hemophilia chemophiliac
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibody against human von willebrand factor 抗血管性血友病因子单克隆抗体的制备及其初步鉴定 | | 2. | Clinical study on the correlation between coronary atheroslerosis plaque and plasma of von willebrand factor 冠状动脉斑块与血浆血管性血友病因子相关性临床研究 | | 3. | Men and women are equally affected by vwd , which is caused by a deficiency or defect in certain plasma proteins critical to blood clotting 血管性血友病可累及两性,由一种临界血液凝结血浆蛋白缺乏或异常导致的。 | | 4. | Humate - p is the second biological product to be approved for the management of surgery and invasive procedures in patients with vwd in whom the medication desmopressin may not work 是第二个被批准用于去氨加压素可能无效的血管性血友病患者的外科手术和侵入操作的生物制品。 | | 5. | However , about 2 , 000 people in the united states each year suffer from moderate and severe forms of the disease in which bleeding can be excessive if not treated and possibly cause delayed wound healing 但是,在美国每年约有2 , 000名中重度的血管性血友病患者,如果不治疗将过度出血并可能导致创伤恢复延迟。 |
- Similar Words:
- "血管性视网膜病" English translation, "血管性水肿" English translation, "血管性头痛" English translation, "血管性萎缩性皮肤异色病" English translation, "血管性纤维肉瘤" English translation, "血管性牙质" English translation, "血管性阳痿" English translation, "血管性翼状胬肉,厚翼状胬肉,肉样翼状胬肉" English translation, "血管性诊断技术" English translation, "血管性肿瘤" English translation