Fibres with thin - to thick - walled 螺纹加厚出现整个导管分子壁上。
Fibres with thin - to thick - walled 螺纹加厚出现在导管分子壁上。
Vessels solitary with angular outline ; perforation plates scalariform ; intervessel pits and vessel - ray pitting alternate to scalariform ; helical thickenings only in vessel elements tails 导管横切面为多角形,单管孔,散生。螺纹加厚仅出现导管分子尾端。梯状穿孔为主。
Wood semi - ring - porous ; vessels solitary with angular outline ; perforation plates reticulate and scalariform ; intervessel pits and vessel - ray pitting alternate ; helical thickenings throughout body of vessel elements 单管孔,散生;整个导管分子上具螺纹加厚。网状和梯状穿孔。