[ yíngyínggǒugǒu ] swarm as flies do for good or hang round as dogs do for food; concentrate on making profits; hustle about trying to make some profits; ingratiate oneself with sb. to gain one's ends; shamelessly seek personal gain; swarm shamelessly round the rich, the influential, etc. for favours
Example Sentences:
Some few men were still astir in odd corners of moscow , aimlessly following their old habits , with no understanding of what they were doing 在莫斯科各个角落,仍有人在不理智地蝇营狗苟一如往昔,而且不知其所为何事。
He is only called a genius because of the glamour and authority with which the military are invested , and because masses of sycophants are always ready to flatter power , and to ascribe to it qualities quite alien to it 因为军人们被授予荣誉和权力,成群的蝇营狗苟的坏胚子趋炎附势,本不具备的天才品质都赋予了权势,于是他们便被称为天才。