In america , mr lieberthal says , the participation of so many cabinet - level officials in a process producing such subtle gains “ is already being seen as the firing of a big cannon at a sparrow ” 李侃如还指出,在美国,如此多的内阁高官参与到这次对话当中为了攫取蝇头小利难免有“小题大做”之闲。
The current study is just one in a long line suggesting that penny - wise hospital staffing practices may translate into pound - foolish increases in the human and financial costs of care related to poorer outcomes , including higher mortality rates 许多研究表明那些为了蝇头小利而减少人员配备的做法是得不偿失的,因为一旦病人病情恶化,包括有更高的死亡率,那么护理病人所要付出的人力和金钱支出将会更多。
The logging that threatens tesso nilo is part of a pattern across indonesia , where large financially troubled corporations , often with foreign ownership , liquidate standing forests for a tiny fraction of their true economic potential and without regard to their biological value 开采木材不仅对tesso nilo构成威胁,也是全印尼面对的问题。那些出现经济问题的大型外资企业,为了蝇头小利,罔顾原始森林的生态价值,随便把整片森林的树木砍光。