Sichuan brocade is endowed with rich cultural and artistic connotation as well as value for appreciation and collection 蜀锦有着丰富的文化艺术内涵和欣赏收藏价值,故世人誉之为“东方瑰宝、神州一绝” 。
To meet the growing material and cultural needs of people and reappear the glory history of the millenarianism , modern shu brocade handicraftsmen have now developed and produced , based on the study of the relevant ancient rare books , the second generation of the preface in chinese character pattern 今天为满足人们日趋增长的物质文化需求,再现太平盛世的历史辉煌,现代蜀锦艺人们采用古人秘籍生产出了第二代文字锦《兰亭序》 。
Value plus is thoroughly realized by shu brocade in chinsese character pattern , the nonmaterial cultural heritage , on which chinese characters of the whole preface appear in different and natural postures and posts , even the seals and the forky strokes are wonderfully processed with infinite verve 无论是印章还是文字沙笔的处理都极具独妙,通篇字里行间千姿百态而纯出自然,由物超妍被非物质文化遗产蜀锦表现的淋漓尽致、神韵无穷。