He is co - author of swarm intelligence : from natural to artificial systems 他是《虫群智慧:从自然系统到人工系统》的作者之一。
The plague developed after the million - strong swarms moved away from their normal habitats of africa and the middle east and hit the more abudant soils of eurasia 这个灾害是在数百万强壮的虫群从?们习惯栖息的非洲及中东地区往欧亚大陆更肥沃的土壤迁移所造成的。
Terran 3 : " ruins of tarsonis " | | - destroy zerg hives to disable zerg broods . | | - bring duran to the psi disrupter after | | zerg hives are destroyed . | | - duran must survive . - 人族3 : "塔尔苏尼斯废墟" | | -摧毁所有蜂房以瘫痪虫群行动。 | | -摧毁所有蜂房后,带杜兰到幽能干扰器处。 | | -杜兰必须存活。