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Home > chinese-english > "虐待老人" in English

English translation for "虐待老人"

maltreat of the aged

Related Translations:
性虐待:  sadomasochismsexual abuse sexual abuse sexual abuseual abuse
虐待动物:  animals, cruelty tocruelty to animalstorture of animals
老人虐待:  elder abuseelderly person maltreatment
言语虐待:  verbal abuse
经常性虐待:  persistent cruelty
遭受虐待:  suffer from cruelties
人身虐待:  body persecution
虐待情结:  persecution complex
虐待地:  abusively/grindinglygrindingly
被虐待者:  abused person
Example Sentences:
1.The society retires to retreating old people should give more attention , the family should care and esteem retires the life rights and interests of retired old people , must not regard the old person as baby - sitter or hire hands handle , abuse an old person on the life even
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