Construction and demolition operations - safety requirements for tunnels , shafts , and caissons 建筑施工和拆除工作.隧道竖井和藻井的安全要求
It is 19 . 5 meters high and 15 . 6 meters around at the base . built entirely of wood , the vault is supported by eight pillars . the roof has no beams but only a great number of brackets entwined within each other 它高19 . 5米,底部直径15 . 6米,全木结构,殿顶由8根立柱支撑,顶无横梁,由众多斗拱上叠,天花板层层收缩,构成美丽的穹窿式藻井。
The apex of the roof is gold in color and culminates the upsurge glory none of the other materials , such as the white marble , red cypress ceiling , and light red granite floor , have been tinted with artificial colors , thereby imparting a feeling of sacredness , solemnity , hospitality , and peace 其他均采用材料之本色,如白大理石墙,厅堂内桧木天花板,及重重叠叠斗拱之藻井,顶上有青天白日之国徽,浅红色花岗石地坪,不加任何漆染,
Emperor qian long built the guanyin hall at minor western heaven for his mother to pray for her happiness and longevity . it is the largest palatial hall in the style of a square pavilion in china . a plaque with the characters " land of extreme happiness " in the handwriting of emperor qian long hangs from the ceiling 小西天又称极乐世界,是乾隆皇帝为其母孝圣皇太后祝寿祈福而修建的;观音殿为中国最大的方亭式宫殿,殿内藻井梁坊上悬“极乐世界”蓝底金字匾,字为乾隆皇帝御笔。