Capsules oblong , ca . 1 . 4 cm , pilose 蒴果长圆形,长约1 . 4厘米,被长柔毛。
Capsule globose , 6 cm in diam . , wrapped with persistent calyx , dehiscent in 5 valves 蒴果球形,直径6厘米,有宿萼包裹, 5爿裂开。
Capsule reddish when matured , obtriangular , 5 - lobed , lobes broad at apex , ca . 1 cm wide in the widest place 蒴果熟时带红色,倒三角形, 5浅裂,裂片顶端宽,稍外展,基部稍窄,最宽处约1厘米。
Pseudopodium ( pl . pseudopodia ) 1 . a leafless stalk that bears the capsule in sphagnum and other mosses that lack a seta 假蒴柄: 1 .一种在泥炭藓属和其他缺乏蒴柄的藓类中的结构。它是一种无叶的柄,其上生有蒴果。
Capsule ovoid , 6 - 8 mm long , more or less glandular hairy , coarsely tuberculate ; persistent calyx lobes often revolute and shrinking 蒴果卵圆形,长6 - 8毫米,多少被腺毛,有粗糙的小疣状凸起;宿存花萼裂片常反卷和皱缩。