Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream 桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。
Unsaturated fats , such as canola , olive , peanut , sunflower , or corn oil help in preventing type 2 diabetes 不饱和脂肪酸,如菜籽油橄榄油花生油葵花子油和玉米油能预防型糖尿病。
Master arranged to have three cute , lost and starving little kittens sit outside our back patio door . they were searching for sunflower seeds left out for the chickadees 在师父巧妙安排下,有三只可爱的饥饿迷途小猫坐在我们后阳台的门外边,正在找寻美洲雀遗留下来的葵花子。
As alpatitch was driving out of the gate , he saw about a dozen soldiers in loud conversation in ferapontovs open shop . they were filling their bags and knapsacks with wheaten flour and sunflower seeds 阿尔帕特奇从大门出来坐上车走时,看到费拉蓬托夫敞开的店里有十来个士兵,一面大声说话,一面把面粉和葵花子装进口袋和背包。
Given that “ greens ” are one of the least popular vegetables for children and teenagers , it is good to know that sweet potatoes are also packed with this vitamin , while blackberries , almonds and sunflower oil also provide it 考虑到绿色蔬菜是儿童和青少年最不喜欢的蔬菜,让人欣慰的是红薯也富含这种维生素,此外还有黑莓、杏仁和葵花子油。
The scientists found that those who took two per cent of their energy intake from trans fats , instead of carbohydrates or polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower oil , had a 70 per cent greater risk of infertility through lack of oulation 研究人员发现,那些摄入能量的2 %来自于反式脂肪酸的妇女,与来自碳水化合物或多不饱和脂肪-如葵花子油-的妇女相比,由于不排卵引起不孕的几率增加70 % 。