| 1. | Laird and nixon kept their counsel . 莱尔德和尼克松不发表意见。 |
| 2. | He would get rid of rogers and laird at the earliest opportunity . 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德。 |
| 3. | Once they had left key biscayne, rogers and laird quickly reversed themselves . 罗杰斯和莱尔德一离开比斯坎岛,很快就变了卦。 |
| 4. | As a finely seasoned politician, laird did not believe in fighting losing battles . 作为一个很老练的政界人物,莱尔德不打必输的仗。 |
| 5. | Laird treated this clumsy procedure the way a matador handles the lunges of a bill . 莱尔德对这笨拙做法的处理,就象一个斗牛士对付一头牛的冲击一样。 |
| 6. | Laird pointed out that our effort in vietnam was certain to suffer if we became involved in a tit-for-tat with north korea . 莱尔德指出,如果我们卷入同北朝鲜的针锋相对的斗争,我们在越南的战事肯定受到损害。 |
| 7. | Laird argued that the most critical supplies came in by rail and in any case the north vietnamese had four to five months of stocks in reserve . 莱尔德争辩说,最关键的物资供给来自铁路,无论如何,北越有四、五个月的库存储备。 |
| 8. | Larid argued that the most critical supplies came in by rail and in any case the north vietnamese had four to five months of stocks in reserve . 莱尔德争辩说,最关键的物资供给来自铁路,无论如何,北越有四、五个月的库存储备。 |
| 9. | Laird , david , pete and skinny have a compass 莱尔德大卫皮特和瘦子有一个罗盘 |