| 1. | Marianne moore is another extremely original poet . 马里安莫尔也是一个醉心独创的诗人。 |
| 2. | With maule out of the way pyncheon was able to buy the land . 除掉了莫尔,品恩钦就能买下土地。 |
| 3. | Holgrave confesses that he is a descendant of the maule family . 霍尔格拉夫承认自己是莫尔家族的后裔。 |
| 4. | The morses no longer seem the epitome of culture to him . 莫尔斯家在他眼中似乎不再是文明的集中体现了。 |
| 5. | A flow in one direction could be the same as a dash in morse . 这一方向的电流可以作为是莫尔斯电码中的一划。 |
| 6. | Romor exuded friendliness, goodwill, indeed eagerness to please . 鲁莫尔洋溢着友情和善意,诚心要使别人高兴。 |
| 7. | O'neill had always resented the existence of an english force at portmore . 奥尼尔一向痛恨英军屯驻在波特莫尔。 |
| 8. | Mohr's circle is required for any oblique plane passing through the point o . 需要对通过点O的任意斜截面绘制莫尔图。 |
| 9. | I agree with mrs. molson, she's distinctly inclined to give herself airs . 我同意莫尔森夫人的意见,她显然是想摆摆架子。 |
| 10. | Scott, moore, and a score of others testified to his personal charm . 司各特,莫尔和许许多多其他人都对他文绉绉的谈吐举止颇有好评。 |