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English translation for "荒诞喜剧"

black comedy

Related Translations:
荒诞:  fantastic; absurd; incredible; unbelievable 短语和例子荒诞的故事 an incredible story; 荒诞的想法 a fantastic idea; 荒诞剧 opera of the absurd
狂欢荒诞:  carnivalesque
荒诞主义:  absurdism
荒诞派:  absurdist
荒诞的:  absurd- ridiculously incongruous or unreasonablecockeyedoutre adj
荒诞剧:  opera of the absurd
荒诞故事:  old wives' talestristram shandy: a cock and bull story
荒诞拳击手:  a cock and bull story
荒诞言语:  glossolalia
荒诞的梦:  fantastic dreams stories
Example Sentences:
1.In the early 80s , willis had bit parts in two major features , but did not make his official big screen debut until he starred opposite kim basinger in the blake edwards farce blind date 1987 . he again worked with edwards for his sophomore effort playing cowboy star tom mix opposite james garner s wyatt earp in the western spoof sunset 1988
在80年代初,威利斯在2部大片中出演过小角色,直到1987年在布莱克-爱德沃兹的荒诞喜剧盲目约会“ blind date ”中与金-贝辛格演对手戏才真正走到台前。
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