| 1. | Changing of yue wei cao tang , former residence of ji xiaolan 纪晓岚故居阅微草堂的变迁 |
| 2. | The verification of du fus humble cottages in longyou 陇右杜甫草堂考 |
| 3. | Exploration of ancient environment of tu fu ' s former residence in chengdu 成都杜甫草堂古环境探微 |
| 4. | Education features of wanmucaotang 试论万木草堂的教育特色 |
| 5. | Dufu thatched cottage , the residence of a ? well - known chinese poemist ? du fu ( 712 - 770 ) 杜甫草堂,这个不用多介绍了吧? |
| 6. | Dufu thatched cottage , the residence of the well - known chinese poemist du fu ( 712 - 770 ) 杜甫草堂,这个不用多介绍了吧? |
| 7. | It also boasts an extensive and well - kept collection of du fu s works 草堂亦是有关杜甫生平创作馆藏最丰富保存最完好的地方。 |
| 8. | Inside the cottage , there are some towering nanmu trees as well as plum and bamboo groves 草堂内楠木参天,梅竹成林,为赏梅佳处。 |
| 9. | Also you can take a look at the friend links of harmonica university which could have your harmoncia 也可到草堂友情连接网站逛逛,也许能找到合适的布鲁斯口琴。 |
| 10. | This horizontal board was inscribed by national hero lin zexu for dongshan thatched cottage in mountain guanzhi 该匾系民族英雄林则徐为冠豸山东山草堂所题,已被列为国家珍贵名匾 |