This letter was scrawled on one sheet of the familiar pale green notepaper . 这封信是潦潦草草写在一张熟悉的淡绿色便笺上的。
A manuscript written in cursive characters 草书手稿用草写体写成的手稿
Cursive writing ; a cursive style of type 草书;印刷文字的草写体
He took it to heart , pined away 那是他弥留之际潦潦草草写下的。
Driven home into the heart of the stone figure attached to it , was a knife . round its hilt was a frill of paper , on which was scrawled 一把刀子深深地插在石像心窝里,刀把上挂了一张纸条,上面潦潦草草写了一行:
For a guinea , stephen said , you can publish this interview . buck mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling , laughing : and then gravely said , honeying malice 面带笑容正在潦潦草草写着什么的勃克穆利根,这时边笑边站起来,然后笑里藏刀,一本正经地说:
According to one of the world ' s leading specialist in ancient inscriptions , andre lemaire of the sorbonne university in paris , the aramaic words etched on the box ' s side show a cursive form of writing used only from about 10 to 70 ad 根据世界上首屈一指的碑铭研究家,巴黎索邦大学的李梅尔教授表示,刻在藏骨棺旁边的阿拉姆文字,是以一种仅在西元10到70年间使用的草写方式完成的。