| 1. | Ms . ngoc lan is now a vegetarian 玉兰女士目前已开始茹素。 |
| 2. | Leave vegetable , and do not smoke 最好茹素,不要吸烟 |
| 3. | Vegetarians are advised to eat more beans and cereals to obtain more protein 茹素者应多吃豆类与谷类食物,以增加蛋白质的价值 |
| 4. | Vegetarians are upset over the fact they may have unintentionally eaten animal extracts 荤食不小心吃下肚,让茹素的消费者心里有疙瘩。 |
| 5. | Vegetarians should consume an adequate amount of protein from beans and bean products 茹素人士应进食适量豆类及豆制品食物以摄取足够蛋白质。 |
| 6. | Subsequently , she not only became a vegetarian but also learned the convenient method of meditation 这么一来,我母亲不仅开始茹素,还学了方便法。 |
| 7. | The vegetarian food offered at the venue impressed the nepalese people , many of whom are also vegetarian 会场中的素食品尝,令同样茹素的尼泊尔人大开眼界。 |
| 8. | When i realized people s cruelty toward animals , i stopped eating meat and now follow a vegetarian diet 当我了解到人类对待动物的残酷行为之后,就开始弃荤茹素。 |
| 9. | They found the class to be very informative , and helpful in maintaining a vegetarian diet while traveling the spiritual path 同修们发现这个活动除了具有教育价值外,并可以鼓励正走在修行路上的人持续茹素与继续修行。 |
| 10. | After having visited the center , they are now anxious to learn the convenient method , and later the quan yin method . they have already started the vegetarian diet 自来过小中心后,现在她们已开始茹素,满心渴望先习方便法,然后修观音法门。 |