| 1. | Impersonating a cleric of the church of england .假扮英格兰教会神职人员 |
| 2. | Lmpersonating a cleric of the church of england . 假扮英格兰教会神职人员 |
| 3. | Lmpersonating a cleric of the church of england . 假扮英格兰教会神职人员 |
| 4. | Henry ' s reform was to get rid of the english church ' s connection with the pope , and make an independent church of england 亨利改革的目的是拜托英国教会与教皇的联系,成立独立的英格兰教会。 |
| 5. | Henry ' s reforms was to get rid of the english church ' s connection with the pope , and to make an independent church of england 亨利改革的目的是摆脱英国教会与教皇的联系,成立独立的英格兰教会。 |
| 6. | Through her marriage alliances which were never materialized , elizabeth managed to maintain a friendly relationship with france 她中断玛丽与罗马的关系,恢复父王独立的英格兰教会,也就是说保持天主教教条及习俗,但不受教皇控制。 |
| 7. | Elizabeth ' s religious reform was a compromise of views . she broke mary ' s ties with rome and restored her father ' s independent church of england 伊丽莎白的宗教改革是各种观点的妥协,她中断玛丽与罗马的关系,恢复父王独立的英格兰教会。 |
| 8. | She broke mary ' s ties with rome and restored her father ' s independent church of england , i . e . keeping to catholic doctrines and practices but to be free of the papal control 她中断玛丽与罗马的关系,恢复父王独立的英格兰教会,也就是说保持天主教教条及习俗,但不受教皇控制。 |
| 9. | The present building is also the first cathedral to have been built since the creation of the church of england in 1534 , when religion was brought under the direct control of the monarch 目前的建筑也是自1534年英格兰教会创立以来的第一座大教堂,当时宗教完全控制在教皇的手里。 |
| 10. | Considered by his more fervent admirers as little less than a heavenly - ordained apostle , destined , should he live and labour for the ordinary term of life , to do as great deeds for the now feeble new england church , as the early fathers had achieved for the infancy of 这位年轻的圣徒在牛津始终享有学者般的声誊,他的最热心的崇拜者认为,在他的有生之年,只要他能为如今尚属无力的新英格兰教会做出象古代圣徒在基督教信仰初期所成就的那种伟业,便可与上天指定的使徒相提并论。 |