Sedley groaned in agonies which the pen refuses to describe . 赛特笠在哼哼唧唧的忍受形容不出的苦楚。
The weaker ones were beginning to have the sour flat taste of fatigue . 体力差些的已经渐渐尝到力不从心的苦楚了。
Since then, i've told linton he must whisper his bitter things . 自从那时候起,我就告诉林他必须小声诉说他的苦楚。
Her voice, tense and yet low, was in itself a clear proof of her anguish and uncertainty . 她那紧张低沉的语气充分说明她的苦楚和不安。
If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat . 如果他们不知胜利为何物,他们至少可以不必品尝失败的的苦楚。
He recognized the kind of embittered dialogue which was always apt to crop up when davis was out of sorts . 他意识到戴维斯每当心绪不佳时,他的话里总是充满着苦楚。
"i care not for pain, or death, you know i don't; but oh, man! forgive me the trespass i have done! " “我不怕苦楚,也不怕死,你知道我不怕,可是,啊,朋友,请你赦免我所犯过的罪过。”
She paused, discovering herself to be addressing her in most agony, need, fear, to these public ears and voices . 她顿了一下,发现这是她在把自己心底深处的苦楚、急难和恐惧讲给这些人民的喉舌。
Brussels, waterloo, old, old times, griefs, pangs, remembrances, rushed back into amekla's gentle heart, and caused a cruel agitation there . 布鲁塞尔,滑铁卢,多少次的悲伤,苦楚,各种的回忆,一时都涌到爱米温柔的胸中,登时使她坐立不安。