[ kǔkǒupóxīn ] do one's best to convince sb.; admonishing words and kind feelings; advise in earnest words and with good intentions; a tender remonstrance; (admonish) earnestly and maternally; exhort [remonstrate] with earnest words prompted by a kind heart; persuade sb. patiently; remonstrate earnestly; try one's best to persuade; urge sb. time and again with good intentions; speak earnestly and patiently and with the best intention; talk like a dutch uncle; warmhearted advice and encouragement; with kind and compassionate persuasion
I move my mouth , words come out , you don ' t hear 我苦口婆心,你就是听不进去
I described , and enforced them earnestly 我苦口婆心,再三劝说。
A few wavering republicans may be convinced by the tough talk 一些左右摇摆的共和党人可以通过苦口婆心的劝告改变立场。
We hit the first rut in the road when i discovered our son ' s toes pressing against the ends of his tennis shoes 经过略施小计和一番苦口婆心的劝说,我把丈夫也争取过来。
The leader of the universal church is the pope in rome . he is not a stranger to us . his constant exhortations and teachings are a light that shines throughout the whole world 普世教会的领袖是罗马教宗,他为我们也不该是陌生人,他苦口婆心的训诲是照亮世界的明灯。
The leader of the universal church is the pope in rome . he is not a stranger to us . his constant exhortations and teachings are a light that shines throughout the whole world 普世教会的领袖是罗马教宗,他为我们也不该是陌生人,他苦口婆心的训诲是照亮世界的明灯。
The ven master hua , founder of the city of ten thousand buddhas , not only did all these things himself , but also urged everyone else , saying : " you want to attain the way 美国万佛圣城的开山祖师宣化上人,不但自己以身作则,又不时苦口婆心地教诲众生?你要得道,在什麽地方修道呢?
Slipshod assistance , foolish inattention , dowdy indifference , and half - hearted work seem the rule ; and no man succeeds , unless by hook or crook or threat he force or bribes other men to assist him ; or mayhap , god in his goodness performs a miracle , and sends him an angle of light for an assistant 懒懒散散、漠不关心、马马虎虎、敷衍了事的工作态度,似乎已经成为许多人的常态,除非苦口婆心或威逼利诱使劲浑身解数叫下属帮忙,又或者除非奇迹出现,上帝仁慈地赐给他一名得力助手,否则,它只能空叹无能为力。
Addressing the students " complaints , mr pan guoqu , at a simple freshmen orientation ceremony held in the canteen , went to great lengths to explain nantah ' s unfavourable position . he also encouraged the students to accept the adverse conditions , and to endure temporarily the fact that the facilities were inadequate 在面对同学不断申诉之下,潘国渠先生在餐厅里举行的一个简单迎新会中,除了苦口婆心解释南大不利的处境之外,也鼓励同学们逆来顺受,暂时忍受设备欠妥的事实。