[ gǒuqiětōuān ] seek a moment's peace however one can; be content with temporary ease and comfort; lead a mere vegetative [animal] existence; live in a fool's paradise; seek temporary peace; seek ease and comfort at the expense of principles
Example Sentences:
Everyone in the company is supposed to work hard , not to lie on a bed of roses 公司里的每个人都应努力工作,不得苟且偷安。
To act according to causes and conditions means to act in the interests of others 随缘是立场互易,随顺环境,但决非随便行事,苟且偷安。
Far better it is to dare mighty things , to win glorious triumphs , even though checkered by failure , than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat 向强有力的事物挑战,去夺取辉煌的胜利,即使遭受挫折也比苟且偷安强得多,因为得过且过的人生活在暗淡的暮光之中,既体验不到胜利的欢乐,也尝受不到失败的痛苦。