| 1. | All not bending, as if built to challenge the elements . 它们刚毅不屈似乎在向苍穹挑战。 |
| 2. | The long crow of rooster split the gray morning sky . 一只雄鸡引吮长鸣,惊破了黎明时的苍穹。 |
| 3. | The stars hang like lamps from the immense vault . 星星像一盏盏灯,从那无边的苍穹上垂挂下来。 |
| 4. | Can our dim intelligence read the secrets of that star-strewn sky ? 难道我们那点朦胧的智慧能探索出繁星密布的苍穹的奥秘吗? |
| 5. | In sunshine we see a greenness beneath the azure, as of spring meadows . 在阳光里,我们看到苍穹下一片翠绿,宛如春天的牧场。 |
| 6. | There was a lurid, gloomy canopy above; the elmtrees drooped their heavy blackish green . 上面是一片苍白又阴郁的苍穹;榆树枝叶郁郁苍苍地低垂下来。 |
| 7. | Above were measureless spaces of giddy air, and far, faraway a line of blue sky . 头上是令人头昏目眩的茫茫苍穹,只有在十分遥远的地方才有一线蓝天依稀可见。 |
| 8. | Clouds map it up at times, but it is normally a dome of blending tints, and the main tint blue . 有时天空乌云密布,但在正常情况下,天空是一个五色交融的苍穹,主色是蔚蓝色。 |
| 9. | Like american midwestern cities, they were all settlements on a broad flat plain under a big sky . 象美国中西部城市一样,它们全是宽广的平原上的新拓居地,头顶是无垠的苍穹。 |
| 10. | So i lay and watched the stars come out by thousands, till all the immense arch of heaven was strewn with glittering points . 我只好躺下,仰望天空的万点繁星,直到整个浩瀚的苍穹都布满了灿烂的光点。 |