| 1. | Today , actress of cantonese opera still uses shaving wood oil for sticking the wig pieces , or " strips " on to her face 时至今日,粤剧花旦贴假发装饰头脸的过程依然少不了它。 |
| 2. | Leading lady ) in a year s time . under guidance , she developed a unique , beautiful tone . her famous operas include 她十四岁开始习粤剧,一年间成为花旦,其后又创出独特的女腔。 |
| 3. | When lo wei joined the shaw brothers , he was already a renowned actor and director . this was his very first film for the studio , co - starring himself a . . 本片拍于1964年,为罗维自导自演,张彻编剧,由60年代冒起之小生花旦,张冲及李婷主演。 |
| 4. | Uncle gen runs a gravestone factory and has two sons . older son seng is in fact the son of his deceased good friend and the younger son tsoi is his ow . . 本片拍于1964年,为罗维自导自演,张彻编剧,由60年代冒起之小生花旦,张冲及李婷主演。 |
| 5. | Early in the cantonese opera , there were no female artists . all characters were performed by the male actors . later , female artists were permitted to take part 早期的粤剧是没有女艺人演出的,无论是花旦或是小生,都是由男艺人扮演,直至后期才有女艺人在戏班演出。 |
| 6. | When lo wei joined the shaw brothers , he was already a renowned actor and director . this was his very first film for the studio , co - starring himself as a small - town despot in a romeo and juliet - flavored story 本片拍于1964年,为罗维自导自演,张彻编剧,由60年代冒起之小生花旦,张冲及李婷主演。 |
| 7. | We have a particular focus on working with low - skilled migrant workers in the service industry as we are passionate about pioneering the value of developing these individuals to ensure their equal participation and contribution to china ' s development 更重要的是花旦戏剧工作室致力于帮助生活在城市边缘的受教育程度较低的外来打工人员发展自我,从而保证他们能够平等的参与到中国的社会发展之中,尽绵薄之力。 |
| 8. | Low - level chinese opera actress chi wan faye died 70 years ago , and was reincarnated by staging the opera for which she was famous . as the date of the performance nears , backstage antics and strange accidents threathen to cancel the show , until yee decides to join the cast as well 初八发觉鬼魂原来是三十年代当红的反串文武生紫云飞,当日为了爱郎蒋家二少爷破戒以花旦行当演出楼台会,可惜二少爷没到,演唱时亦被堕下的花牌削去半边面,魂断戏台。 |
| 9. | His two men are ordered to watch closely movement of the opera people . little does the chief know that actually the islanders are living off the loot their ancestors made by raiding a government gold galleon some centuries ago . they buried much of the treasure and a dormant vampire under a pagoda . . . . . 而跟随一剧团来到该村做大戏的花旦吴君如与陈淑兰在一名临死男子手中得到一张藏宝图,两人找来在团中当教师的卢冠廷,三人展开一幕幕惊险的寻宝旅途。 |
| 10. | There are three plays : " wall - jumping & chess - playing " , emphasizing an implicit agreement among three characters full of interesting performance behind the back one another ; " the trident road " , noted for the fighting actions ; and " to pick up a jade bracelet " , performing a variety of basic stage actions such as to embroider , to clearly make an explanations of an agricultural woman life style in the olden days 剧目有三:西厢记:跳墙著棋有很多背功的趣味戏,强调西厢记三个角色之间的默契;三叉口是以武打动作取胜的昆曲折子戏;拾玉镯以花旦为主,其中许多旦角的舞厅基本动作,如赶鸡、绣花,诠释出古代农村妇女的生活形态。 |