| 1. | In addition to guaranteed excellent technical resources , aicta also has a perfected management system 除了拥有强大的技术力量作保证以外,艾柯达公司还拥有一套完善的管理模式。 |
| 2. | Some whisper that eekway is merely papanoida ' s puppet in the senate , peddling his influence through a clever front 有人暗地里传言说艾柯维不过是帕帕诺依达安插在参议院内的傀儡,利用她的台面身份巧妙地扩张其影响力。 |
| 3. | Enveloped in heavy robes with only her blue - skinned face visible , eekway was rumored to have close contact with the mysterious baron papanoida 艾柯维穿着包覆全身的厚重长袍,只露出蓝色皮肤的脸面,谣传说她与神秘的帕帕诺依达男爵关系密切。 |
| 4. | Another tale , never proven , was that papanoida ' s interest in eekway was strictly familial , and that the senator had blood ties to the enigmatic baron 另一种从未被证实的说法是,迷一般的帕帕诺依达男爵对艾柯维的兴趣纯粹是家族血缘关系使然。 |
| 5. | After extensive market research , iacocca came upon with an idea for a new model that he would make ford the number - one maker of domestic automobiles 经过广泛深入的市场调研后,艾柯卡有了推出一种新车型的主意,他希望它能使福特公司一跃成为国内汽车市场的龙头老大。 |
| 6. | An influential senator during the clone wars , chi eekway was a member of the inner circle of loyalists that advised chancellor palpatine during those trying times 凯?艾柯维是克隆战争时期的一位颇具影响力的参议员,是在那段危难时期辅弼议长帕帕丁的忠诚派核心圈的一员。 |
| 7. | Iacocca used promotion and publicity to tell americans about the mustang , and americans bought the mustang in such large numbers that it became one of ford ' s best selling models 艾柯卡运用促销与公关手段把马自达推荐给美国大众,于是美国人大量购买马自达轿车,使其成为福特公司最畅销的车型。 |
| 8. | For her exposure to a rough - and - tumble culture of law - benders , eekway learned the art of the bluff and a diplomatic style more confrontational than the usual measured approaches found in the senate 置身于由擅长钻法律空挡者组建的混乱无序的文明中,艾柯维学会了恫吓蒙骗的艺术,以及相较参议院中寻常的慎重行事方式更富挑衅性的外交风格。 |
| 9. | This service and people - oriented company philosophy at aicta inspires each of our staff not only to develop a strong team spirit and to make outstanding contributions in their own positions , but in addition to maintain the close cooperation with partners that ensures that each of our customers can fully enjoy the professional tracking services provided by adw 这种以人为本的企业理念,不仅激励着我们每位员工能在自己的岗位上做出优异的贡献,实现自身价值,发扬团队精神;而且也使我们能够与合作伙伴保持密切协作,让每个客户都能够真正享受到艾柯达员工专业化跟踪式服务。 |