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English translation for "艺术天才"

gift for art

Related Translations:
天才普雷利先生:  beautiful tender sensitive haunted passionate talented mr. ripleythe mysterious yearning secretive sad lonely troubled confused loving musical gifted intelligentthe strange mr. ripleythe t
艺术:  1.(文艺) art 短语和例子艺术至上主义 art for art's sake; 以艺术为职业 follow art as a profession2.(富有创造性的方法) skill; art; craft 短语和例子领导艺术 art of leadership3.(形状独特而美观的) conforming to good taste 短语和例子这座建筑装饰得很艺术。
中级艺术:  secondary art
童话艺术:  fairy art
制图艺术:  praphical arts
艺术填充:  poart fill
艺术大街:  kudozhestvenni street
剪影艺术:  coptography
艺术机构:  art institutions
资讯艺术:  information art
Example Sentences:
1.He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor
2.He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor
3.Eleventh - century legend in china . a rich , young girl s love story with a brilliant musician and sculptor whose master - piece , a jade goddess , leading him to a ill - fated ending
4.This restraint largely explains her lack of popular success during her lifetime , even if her talent did not go completely unrecognized by her eighteenth - century french contemporaries
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