腰: 名词1.(腰部) waist; small of the back 短语和例子拦腰抱住 seize sb. round the middle; 两手叉腰 with one's hands on one's hips; akimbo; 扭了腰 sprain one's back muscles; 齐腰深 waist-deep; up to the waist; 弯腰 bend
挂: Ⅰ动词1.(使物体附着于某处) hang; put up; suspend 短语和例子把帽子挂在衣架上 put [hang] the cap on the coat hanger; 挂幌子 (of shops) put up a signboard; 墙上挂着一幅画。 a picture is hanging on the wall. 天上挂着一轮明月。 a bright