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English translation for "舰船导航"

ship navigation

Related Translations:
舰船:  ships and warships◇舰船导航 ship navigation; 舰船定位 ship location; 舰船发动机 marine engine; 舰船发射 ship launching; 舰船倾覆 shipwreck; 舰船探测 ship detection; 舰船遇难 shipwreck; 舰船噪声 ship noise; 舰船制造 naval cons
新西兰舰船:  hisher majesty's new zealand ship
舰船定位:  ship location
舰船坐标系:  ship axes system
舰船名牌:  arch board
舰船发动机:  marine engine
舰船操纵:  ship control
舰船结构:  shistructure
机动舰船:  motor fleet vessel
舰船模型:  dummy ship model ship
Example Sentences:
1.Being a very important equipment for navigation , digital navigating radar takes advantages to the traditional radar in many aspects , such as better performance , more functions and more convenient operation . with the rapid development of embedded system , this dissertation discusses the design and implementation of the digital navigating radar based on embedded system
2.In order to evaluate aiming error of missile on the warship or on the submarine , including the error of warship position , the error of reference azimuth and the error of transfer measurement given by the navigation system , and try to divided them from the general error , it is highly important that we estimate and evaluate missile system of mobile bedding launching
3.The management of moving objects has application background in many fields including traffic control , boats navigating , dynamic computing , weather forecast , digital battlefield , etc . the position of moving objects changes continuously over time and historical information of moving objects includes both spatial and temporal aspects
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