Ait - 4 magic power , who but myself can do it 魔力舍我其谁
The high quality professional management meticulous service will give you the royal enjoyment 高素质的专业管理,体贴入微的优质服务至尊享受,舍我其谁。
They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world 他们测试了赌桥牌的赢家,并拿出10美元的小费让你有一种普天之下,舍我其谁的感觉
The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us . a duty to strive is the duty of us all . i felt a call to that duty 每个人心中都存有继续往前的使命感。努力奋斗是每个人的责任,我对这样的责任怀有一份舍我其谁的信念。
During the relief operation , one incident truly touched my heart . it was nine o clock on the evening of the earthquake . a man who had been listening to a local radio broadcast went out alone to purchase relief materials such as water , bread , and disposable eating utensils , and drove from chiayi to puli to deliver them 在救援过程中,有件事一直令我很感动,那就是地震当天晚上九点时,有位先生听到广播,于是独自买了水面包免洗筷等物资,从嘉义开了小轿车送到埔里,路途遥远,路况又很差,见他这般热情至性舍我其谁的精神,真的好感动!