The unicorn hall ( the confucian hall ) is where confucius , the grand master of education , is worshipped 麟阁供奉著中国的至圣先师孔子;
Wenwu temple , situated by sun moon lake , enshrines confucius and guansheng dijun , and is the largest temple in this area 日月潭畔的文武庙人气鼎盛,供奉至圣先师孔子与武神关圣帝君,神威显赫。
It is deemed that profound educational thoughts are inherited in the interpretation of meng - gua in the " book of change " 摘要《易经》蒙卦蕴含丰富的教育思维,孔子被称为至圣先师,为伟大的教育家。
Influenced by confucianism , education in the roc seeks a balanced emphasis on the five aspects of ethics , academics , physical fitness , social skills , and the arts 我国教育受儒家影响,除尊奉孔子为至圣先师外,并注重德智体群美五育的均衡发展。