Mayor blake gave up the presidency of the oil company to avoid conflict of interest 布莱克市长辞去了石油公司总裁的职务,以避自肥之嫌。
Many people despise animals and just abuse them or utilize them , exploit them , consider them of less value and torture them 许多人藐视动物,只是一味地虐待利用剥削它们以自肥,认为它们比较没有价值并折磨它们然而,我却喜爱动物。
To this day , the shadow lords are the most adept at exploiting dark deals with sinister forces , including a vast array of blood - sucking freaks 至今,阴影议员仍然是是最善于与险恶势力做地下交易以自肥的,他们的对象甚至包括吸血怪物的大军。
Therefore , it should be emphasized to enhance the self - fertilization capability of forest by adjusting the species composition and increasing the proportion of native broad - leaved species 因此,应重视通过调整物种组成,增加阔叶树种比例以增强森林的自肥能力。
Instead of making the country prosperous and improving the people ' s lot , they would rather squeeze the people dry to fill up their private coffers , and to stash sufficient supplies of guns , ammunitions and missiles for any eventualities 与其励精图治地改善老百姓的生活,不如尽情搜刮民脂民膏,一部分归己自肥,一部分用于储备枪炮导弹以备“不时之需” 。