| 1. | He would repeat the word "yeomen" as if it afforded him consolation . 他要把自耕农三个字重复一下,好象给他安慰似的。 |
| 2. | Self-employed farmers work from 55 to 60 hours per week during the peak summer mouths . 自耕农在夏天农忙季节每星期劳动55到60小时。 |
| 3. | The family had possessed and cultivated an estate there for many years, as yeomen and farmers . 这一家作为小地主和自耕农,在当地已定居多年,建立了一份家业。 |
| 4. | A more realistic concern is that farmland prices will become so high that it will be impossible to sustain owner-operated farms . 一种较为现实的忧虑是农田价格将会高到不能维持自耕农场的程度。 |
| 5. | Reconstructing owner - peasant ownership institutiion of farming land 重建农地自耕农所有制 |
| 6. | They were joined by descendants of the original homesteaders 当地自耕农的后代也加入其中。 |
| 7. | The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement 那场运动后,自耕农再也不能拥有并在他们自己的土地上耕耘了。 |
| 8. | I was convinced that drip irrigation could be tailored to the needs of subsistence farmers 我深信滴水灌溉是最切合自耕农需要的方法。 |
| 9. | Its villages boasted strong lineage organizations that helped to bond communities together 坚忍的自耕农,生活仅能勉强维持小康,地主与佃农的生活境况与自耕农并无殊异。 |
| 10. | The poor , whether smallholders or petty entrepreneurs , lack scale and specialisation , mr banerjee and ms duflo point out 穷人,无论是小自耕农还是小承包商,都缺少专长且他们的农田不成规模。 |