| 1. | At least 26 people have been killed in a suicide attack in baghdad 在巴格达一场自杀式袭击中造成至少26人死亡。 |
| 2. | At least 26 people have been killed in a suicide attack in baghdad 巴格达一起自杀式袭击至少造成二十六人丧生。 |
| 3. | A suicide bomber thursday blew himself up in iraqi parliament complex , three legislators and four employees were killed 昨日一名自杀式袭击者在伊拉克议会内引爆炸弹,造成3名议员和4名雇员丧生。 |
| 4. | They say she fractured her skull when the force of a suicide bomber ' s explosion knocked her head into a level in her suv 他们称,由于自杀式袭击中爆炸的冲击力太大,贝*布托的头撞倒了其专车的横梁上,使其头盖骨骨折致死。 |
| 5. | From baghdad to beirut , car bombs , suicide attacks , air strikes and a grim tally of civilian deaths are the new currency of daily life 从巴格达到贝鲁特,汽车爆炸,自杀式袭击,空袭以及不断上升平民死亡人数成为家常便饭。 |
| 6. | Pakistani officials say benazir bhutto was not killed by gunfire or shrapnel in yesterday ' s suicide attack seen here in this new video 巴基斯坦官方称,在昨天的自杀式袭击,中贝*布托并非像新闻录像上看到的那样死于枪击或榴散弹。 |
| 7. | From baghdad to beirut , car bombs , suicide attacks , air strikes and a grim tally of civilian deaths are the new currency of daily life 从巴格达到贝鲁特,汽车炸弹,自杀式袭击,空中打击造成的平民死亡的数量记录已经成为了日常生活中一种新的货币流通。 |
| 8. | She survived a deadly suicide attack on 18 october in karachi at her reception rally when she returned from exile in which nearly 150 people were killed 10月18日,她从流亡地回国在卡拉奇的接待集会上的自杀式袭击中辛免于难,在这次袭击中,近150人被杀害。 |
| 9. | Jang dong gun makes every effort to excel in his duties in order to achieve an early release from the military services for his younger brother won bin 振太为求弟弟可以豁免军役,不惜参加自杀式袭击行动,冒死赢取“荣誉勋章” ,希望以此作为换取弟弟回家的条件。 |
| 10. | London , england ( ap ) - - british fighter pilots were asked by a military chief to consider flying suicide missions as a last resort to stop terrorists , the defense ministry acknowledged tuesday 伦敦英国(美联社) - -英国国防部承认,一名军队长官曾向英国战斗机飞行员要求,把自杀式袭击当作反恐的最后手段。 |