Stage photography , itself an art form and a creative medium , embraces elements of both visual and performing arts 舞台摄影是一门独特的艺术,不但兼备视觉艺术及表演艺术两种元素,本身亦是一种自成一格的创作媒体。
The jewish is , indeed , a nation sui generis , the only nation we know of whose records are coetaneous with their primitive origin 犹太人诚然是自成一格的独特民族,而且是我们所知道的唯一的民族,其史迹与其原始的来源属于同一年代。
In other words , an adequate understanding of the “ reality sui generis ” of society requires an inquiry into the manner in which this reality is constructed 换句话说,要充分了解社会(自成一格的实在) ,需要这样一种理解,即实在乃是建构的。
The flat is decorated in beige , champagne , pale gold , silvery grey and lilac to match the gentle natural light and create a romantic atmosphere . french windows , mirrors and a delicate crystal chandelier create a glittering effect 一室柔和自然的灯光,衬托以米色香槟淡金银灰及淡紫等高贵冷艳的金属色调组成的居停,营造自成一格的曼丽氛围。
The company ' s 350 , 000 square feet shenzhen factory with 3000 skillful craftsman is highly modernized and well - equipped . thanks to the product development department , cainor ' s collection breaks the traditions and creates unique styles 公司位于深圳设有设备先进的厂房, ?地高达三十五万平方尺,聘员工达三千。此外,卡蒙尼珠宝有限公司巧制而成的系列,均拥有时尚风姿,突破传统及自成一格。
Guest chefs from chiu chow s most famous hotel , the golden gulf jasper hotel , are at the royal garden from july 2 to july 22 to prepare a unique menu of specialty items from one of china s most famous culinary regions 潮州菜是广东菜三大流派之一,起源于潮汕平原,经历千馀年而形成和发展,以其独特风味自成一格。潮州最出名的金海湾嘉柏大酒店,开业多年,选贤任能,培育出一支精炼的厨师队伍。
The university is the only tertiary institution in hong kong which offers curricula purely on humanities studies . the campus at fu tei is modelled on the one in guangzhou . black and grey forms the main colour scheme which symbolizes the much sought - after qualities of perseverance and determination 大学建筑主要依据广州岭南大学的设计模式,并揉合新颖意念,配以黑白灰色系而自成一格,宏伟而庄严,呈现一股不屈不挠,沉实坚定的气势。
Interviewer : it would be easy to talk about your poetry as a link between , say , frost and younger metrical writers , but a case can be [ end page 40 ] made for your work actually being connected to ezra pound ' s " make it new , " in that your poems are metrically innovative , not using traditional forms much 不难看出你的诗是弗洛斯特和年轻一代的格律诗人中间的一环,但你的诗在格律上自成一格,传统格律用得不是很多,因此又可以说你的作品符合庞德“日日新”的诗论。