| 1. | Simply talking about adolescent subnarcissistic personality defect 浅论青少年亚自恋人格障碍 |
| 2. | Overt and covert narcissism : a psychological exploration of narcissistic personality 自恋人格的心理学探析 |
| 3. | The narcissistic personality makes qu yuan a loner in spirit , which is also the fatal fetters that stumbles the realization of his ambition of jawboninging 自恋人格使屈原成为精神上的孤独者,也是其美政抱负难以实现的一个重要羁绊。 |
| 4. | ( 3 ) as a whole , gender does n ' t make any significant difference in undergraduates " narcissistic characters . however , male and female undergraduates differentiate significantly in authority and self - admiration for narcissism ( 3 )大学生自恋人格特征总体上不存在显著性别差异,但在自恋人格的权欲、自我钦羡这两个维度上男、女大学生有显著差异。 |
| 5. | Adopting the method of factor analysis , we conclude our research with the four dimensions for overt narcissism : authority , superiority , entitlement and self - admiration , as well as the three dimensions for covert narcissism : vulnerability , entitlement and self - admiration 采用因素分析的方法得出大学生显性自恋人格的4个维度:权欲、优越感、特权感、自我钦羡,大学生隐性自恋人格的3个维度:易感质、特权感、自我钦羡。 |
| 6. | And a formal questionnaire of undergraduates " narcissistic personality is formed after primary test and relevant analysis the present study investigated narcissistic characters of 1173 undergraduats . the result suggests that : ( 1 ) the self - made questionnaire is of good reliability and validity 最后,使用自编的自恋人格问卷和scl ? 90症状自评量表,对1173名在校大学生进行调查研究,结果表明: ( 1 )自编的大学生自恋人格问卷具有较好的信度和效度。 |
| 7. | ( 4 ) as a whole , the narcissistic characters among undergraduates of arts and undergraduates of science are signifcantly different , especially in the narcissistic dimension of authority and entitlement , but not signifcantly different in superiority , self - admiration and vulnerability . ( 5 ) overt narcissism is not significantly correlated with indicators of mental abnormality , while covert narcissism correlates positively with the same indicators ( 4 )大学生的自恋人格特征总体上存在显著学科差异,并且在自恋人格的权欲、特权感这两个维度上文、理科学生存在显著差异,而在自恋人格的优越感、自我钦羡、易感质这几个维度上文、理科大学生差异不显著。 |
| 8. | And the two forms of narcissism have different association with measures of psychological health . according to the review of previous researchs on narcissistic personality , analysis of open - ended measures . and interview with narcissistic individuals , this study puts forward its own theoretical hypothesis on narcissistic personality 本研究在文献综述、开放式问卷调查和个别访谈的基础上,提出自己关于自恋人格的理论假设,并在此基础上编制了大学生自恋人格的初测问卷,经过初测和相应统计分析,形成正式问卷。 |
| 9. | ( 2 ) the two forms of undergraduates " narcissistic personality - overt and covert narcissism - are significantly correlated but greatly different . vulnerability for covert narcissism is not significantly correlated with authority and superiority for overt narcissism , which lead to the conclusion that overt and covert narcissism are interrelated but different ( 2 )大学生显性自恋人格与隐性自恋人格总体上有着显著的相关,同时也存在显著的差异,隐性自恋人格的易感质维度与显性自恋的权欲、优越感两个维度无显著相关。 |
| 10. | The inner source of qu yuan ' s narcissistic personality lies in the superstition to the born hour , the inborn superiority complex which is transformed from the over - evaluation on family during the process of qu yuan ' s self - portrayal , the strong sense of pride , and the appropriately deifying self - confidence and perfectionism 屈原自恋人格的内在根源在于生辰的迷信、家庭的超值评价在屈原自我塑造过程中内化为天生的优越感、强烈的自尊心、近乎神化的自信心和完美主义的个性。 |