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English translation for "自古代以来"

from ancient times

Related Translations:
自古:  ancient timestime immemorial
自古至今:  in all ages; from of old until in now; in all periods of the world
自古占有:  immemorial possession
自古就有的:  existing since old times
自古及今:  from ancient times till now [up to the present-day]
自古到今:  from ancient times to the present day down through the ages
多情自古空余恨:  love's sad ending
自古嫦娥爱少年:  from of old, young nymphs have preferred youth to age
生物武器自古有之:  biological weapons date to classic age
自古英雄多寂寞:  lonely are the brave
Example Sentences:
1.Since ancient time , wood , fire , earth , metal and water have been considered as basic substances to constitute the universe and they are also indispensable for life
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