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English translation for "自动步枪"

automatic gun
automatic rifle

Related Translations:
fal自动步枪:  fn fal
关自动步枪:  self-loader
速射自动步枪:  quick firing tommy gun
五十口径自动步枪:  caliber machine guns
汤普生自动步枪:  thompson submachine gun
布朗宁自动步枪:  browning automatic rifle
白朗宁自动步枪:  bar (browning automatic rifle)
Example Sentences:
1.Analysis of dynamic stress of a new rifle locking mechanism
2.Was shot to death tonight in a fusillade of automatic rifle fire
3.Was shot to death tonight in a fusillade of automatic rifle fire . .
今晚在一串自动步枪连射中中弹身亡. .
4.Was shot to death tonight in a fusillade of automatic rifle fire . .
今晚在一串自动步枪连射中中弹身亡. .
5.Caliber machine guns
6.Allied bar rifle will take slightly longer to pin units that are in a suppressed state
7.Allied bar suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover
8.Allied bar suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover
9.Yes . we ' re short on both mortars and antiaircraft guns for the dutch army and automatic rifles for the belgian army
10.The armed horsemen fired automatic weapons at his small aircraft in an apparent attempt to drive fay from the scene and cover their crimes
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