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English translation for "膀胱手术"

operation on bladder

Related Translations:
膀胱照片:  cystogram
膀胱异物:  fo reign body in bladderforeign body in bladderforeign body of bladderforeignbodyofbladder
膀胱麻痹:  bladder paralysiscystidoplegiacystoparalysiscystoplegiaparalysis of bladder
泄殖腔膀胱:  cloacal bladder
加强膀胱:  strengthens bladder
膀胱反射:  bladder reflexurinary reflexvesical reflex
膀胱肛门:  anus vesicalisvesicalis anus
稳定性膀胱:  stable bladder
膀胱宫颈瘘:  vesico-cervical fistula
膀胱临床操作:  medical procedure on bladder
Example Sentences:
1.Bladder operation director
2.The division has pioneered a totally new approach to bladder surgery by performing laparoscopic procedures within the bladder under carbon dioxide bladder insufflation , or pneumovesicum
3.Traditionally , complex bladder surgeries both in adults and children have been performed via an open approach which requires a large incision first over the abdominal and then the bladder wall
4.Unlike the traditional open operation , this new approach using co2 penumovesicum allows various bladder surgeries to be performed without opening the abdomen and bladder , and hence requires no urinary diversion with abdominal drainage tubes post - operatively
5.Other complex bladder surgeries in infants and children that could now be performed safely and effectively using the new pneumovesical technique without a large open bladder incision includes relief of obstruction and remodeling of obstructive megaureters , excision of large ureteroceles with simultaneous ureteric reimplantation and reconstruction of bladder base , complete removal of large bladder stones , bladder neck reconstructions for children with urinary incontinence , etc , all with very satisfactory results
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