唾液分泌过多: hyperptyalismhypersalivationhypersecretion of salivahypersialosissalivary hypersecretionsialism
Example Sentences:
The young of mammals are suckled on milk secreted by the mother ' s mammary glands 哺乳动物的幼仔是吸乳的,其乳汁母乳腺分泌的。
This occurs as the human growth hormone ( hgh ) ceases to be produced by the pituitary gland in the brain 这是因为人类生长荷尔蒙( hgh )停止由大脑中的垂体腺分泌时发生。
Insect wax with wax scent usage of beeswax : it is a kind of organic admixture excreted from worker bee wax gland with aroma of farina and nectar 川蜡(虫蜡)有蜡香气味蜂蜡用途:蜂蜡,又叫蜜蜡,是工蜂蜡腺分泌的一种有机混合物,具有花粉和花蜜香气。