Green 绿 : deep , full green without other colour portions . the ventrals may have white or black peaks 绿色:鱼身绿色无杂色。有时腹鳍尖端有白或黑斑。
Large bulging gill - covers , the pair of pectoral fins are placed almost under the gills ; measures 4 - 5 cm long 长有大而胀的鳃盖,一对腹鳍差不多全藏在鱼鳃底
Ophichthidae possess similar morphological or osteological characters , so more difficult to be identified 但其外形相似,又缺少鳞片、腹鳍和尾鳍等结构,鉴别特徵较少。
Royal blue 皇室 蓝 : deep dark grain - flower - blue without other colour portions . the ventrals may have white or black peaks 皇室蓝:鱼身深蓝无杂色。有时腹鳍尖端有白或黑斑。
The prototype to be flown on may 10 has been modified with work done on its air - intakes , strake and vertical fins , besides modifications in the fuselage 这架重新设计了机身进气道,边条和腹鳍的新型原型机将于5月10日正式试飞。
The measurements used are fork length , head length , upper jaw length , snout length , length of dorsal fin base and anal fin base and the distances from the tip of snout to insertion of dorsal fin , to pectoral fin , to ventral fin and to hard margin of preopercle 此所用于分析之外部非体节形质计有:尾叉长、头长、上颚长、吻长、眼径、背鳍基底长、臀鳍基底长以及吻端到前鳃盖骨后绿、背鳍起点、腹鳍起点、臀鳍起点等11个形质。
Check the nose part . it should be round around the nose and mouth part , not two " lines " starting from the upper and lower fins , connecting at the mouth like the blue diamond on the top photo . you can check the desired shape for the mouth - nose region on the turn based discus in the right photo 检查鼻子部分,鼻子和嘴的部分应该是圆的,不是两条线从背鳍和腹鳍开始,连接于嘴的地方,就像上图里蓝钻石的样子。你可以从旁边的图中观察到受欢迎的鼻子和嘴的部分。