Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead . 她的黑发散乱地飘拂在宽阔的脑门子上。
He had thick veins in his forehead, a little nose, and a large chin . 他脑门子上青筋很粗,鼻子很小,下巴可又很大。
His forehead is capacious and high, but square and heavy and unpleasantly shining . 他脑门子又阔又高,四四方方,显得很迟钝,而且亮晃晃的,叫人很不愉快。
Says i . - sweat of my brow , says joe . twas the prudent member gave me the wheeze “这是从我的脑门子淌下来的汗水, ”乔说, “是那个谨慎的家伙把信息透露给我的。 ”
John howard parnell translated a white bishop quietly and his grey claw went up again to his forehead whereat it rested 约翰霍华德巴涅尔沉静地挪动了一只白主教,然后举起那灰不溜秋的爪子去托住脑门子。