| 1. | Biological characteristics of moroge sanguine orange 脱毒晚熟脐血橙的生物学特性 |
| 2. | Endothelial cell culture in vitro from umbilical blood 脐血内皮细胞的体外培养 |
| 3. | Cholesterol concentrations in cord blood of newborn infants 新生儿脐血血脂水平的检测 |
| 4. | The ethic thinking of the umbilical cord blood stem cells transplantation 脐血干细胞移植中的伦理思考 |
| 5. | Effect of passive maternal smoking on cord blood leptin concentration 妊娠期被动吸烟对新生儿脐血瘦素水平的影响 |
| 6. | Essential characteristics of non - hematopoietic stem cells derived from human cord blood 人脐血非造血干细胞的基本特性 |
| 7. | Alteration of immune factors in both ida pregnant women and their cord venous blood 缺铁性贫血孕妇及其脐血免疫因子变化 |
| 8. | Umbilical blood series 脐血流系列 |
| 9. | Occult hbv infection in umbilical cord blood : detection and clinical evaluation 新生儿脐血乙型肝炎病毒隐匿型感染的检测及其临床意义 |
| 10. | Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in umbilical blood into cardiomyocytes in vitro 脐血间充质干细胞体外定向诱导向心肌样细胞的转化 |