衬: Ⅰ动词1.(在里面托上一层) line; place sth. underneath 短语和例子衬驼绒的大衣 a fleece-lined overcoat; 衬上一层纸 put a piece of paper underneath; 他在运动服里面衬着游泳衣。 he wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks.2.(陪衬; 衬托) s
胸: 名词1.(胸部) chest; bosom; thorax 短语和例子挺胸 throw out one's chest; 孩子把脸贴在母亲的胸前。 the child buried its face in its mother's bosom. 她感到胸痛。 she feels an ache in her bosom.2.(心里) mind; heart 短语和例子心胸