Abdominal swelling or pain and jaundice are the presenting symptoms . 腹部胀满或疼痛和黄疸是本病的症状。
But even under such a test as this his loyalty to his friend stood firm 他感到,胸中有一大股伤心泪,正在聚积,胀满,马上就要涌上喉头,迸发出来。
To relieve breast fullness in conditions like engorged breasts , oversupply , blocked duct , etc 纾缓乳房胀满的情况,如乳汁分泌过多、乳管堵塞和乳胀(谷奶) 。
Distended abdomen , is a symptom that the stomach and below the stomach , the whole avdomen distends . by massaging the related points , it can smooth the qi and stop the distension , adjust the pain caused by the stagnant qi 腹胀是指胃脘以下的整个腹部胀满的一种症状,按摩身体相关穴位可以利气止胀,调节气滞所带来的疼痛。
This condition commonly occurs in the early days after delivery , when the milk that starts to come in is not removed efficiently . the breasts are overfull , partly with milk , & partly with increased tissue fluid & blood , which interfere with the flow of milk 这种情形通常在产后初期出现,原因是“上奶”时乳汁未能有效地被吸取。乳房因充血和水肿,加上乳汁引起胀满,影响乳汁的流通;母亲可能会发烧,乳房感觉痛楚、坚硬和肿胀,令婴儿难于附着和吸吮。