The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian s vivid description of his vicinity to his wife 虔诚的男子对邪恶的? ?民生动的描述他?肫淦拮?的密切(关系)半信半?
Specializes in kosher meat products . sells organically processed whole and partial chickens , ducks , turkey and salmon . includes plant facility photos and recipes -生产猪肉脯牛肉干鸭肫肝以及鸡排香肠肉圆等多品种。
Put the chicken , its liver and gizzard , the mushrooms , bamboo shoots , and ham , into a mixture of scallion , ginger , salt , msg , pepper , suger , sweet and salty soy sauce 将鸡身及肝肫冬菇玉兰片火腿葱姜盐味精胡椒粉白糖甜咸酱油入盆搓揉入味
Rub the ingredients with the fingers to help the flavor penetrate , then stuff the chicken with the other ingredients but not so full that the chicken s shape is distorted . put the chicken into a bamboo tube , stuff the open end of the tube with palm - leaves . roast the chicken over a fire for two hours 将鸡肝肫及冬菇玉兰片火腿装入鸡腹内,合拢成鸡形,塞入竹筒,筒口用芭蕉叶塞紧,放在火上烤2小时,取出装盘即成。