| 1. | Treatment of severe comminuted fractures of femoral shaft 股骨干重度粉碎骨折的治疗 |
| 2. | Treatment of femoral shaft fracture with vehicle mode fixation apparatus 行车式外固定器治疗股骨干骨折 |
| 3. | Femoral shaft fracture combined with ipsilateral dislocated fracture of hip 股骨干骨折伴同侧髋部骨折脱位 |
| 4. | Analysis and treatment of internal fixation failure in femoral shaft fractures 股骨干骨折内固定失效原因探讨 |
| 5. | Fracture of shaft of femur treated with intramedullary dilated interlocking nail 髓内扩张自锁钉治疗股骨干骨折 |
| 6. | Lower limbs suspension traction for the treatment of baby fracture of femoral shaft 双下肢悬吊牵引法治疗婴幼儿股骨干骨折 |
| 7. | Continuous traction and splinting fixation for treatment of femoral shaft fracture in children 持续牵引夹板固定治疗儿童股骨干骨折 |
| 8. | Mini - wound dynamic hip screws fixation for the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures of femur in elder 微创钢板内固定术治疗股骨干复杂骨折 |
| 9. | Treatment of fracture of the femoral shaft by limited open reduction with interlocking intramedullary pin 小切口开放复位带锁髓内钉治疗股骨干骨折 |
| 10. | Treatment of humeral shaft nonunion with interlocking nail andpercutaneous injection of bone marow 记忆骨卡环与带锁髓内钉联合治疗粉碎性股骨干骨折 |