| 1. | The research on the reform of the split of share 关于股权分置改革试点工作的研究 |
| 2. | A research of market effect on equity division reform 股权分置改革市场效应分析 |
| 3. | The focuses of the reform of stock right splitting 关于股权分置改革的几个焦点问题 |
| 4. | The study on the split share reform of the public company 上市公司股权分置改革研究 |
| 5. | Reform of the shareholder structure of listed companies 上市公司股权分置改革 |
| 6. | An economical analysis of share splitting reform 股权分置改革的经济学分析 |
| 7. | Reform in stock right splitting and classified voting system 股权分置改革与分类表决机制 |
| 8. | Non - tradable shares reform and state - owned capital management 股权分置改革与国有资本管理 |
| 9. | Four principles for reform of separating right of shareholders 股权分置改革应贯彻四大原则 |
| 10. | The economical analysis of reform plan about stock structure 证券市场股权分置改革的经济分析 |