The treatment of the old dislocation of elbow joint with manual reduction 手法整复为主治疗陈旧性肘关节脱位
Treatment of dislocation and fracture of elbow joint in 4 patients with manipulation 手法整复治疗肘关节脱位与骨折4例
Manual reduction for the treatment of monteggia fracture associated with elbow joint dislocation in children 手法复位治疗儿童孟氏骨折并肘关节脱位
Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus in pre - school children related to refracture and dislocation of elbow joint in adults : a report of 4 patients 学龄期儿童肱骨内上髁骨折与成年后再骨折及肘关节脱位